A Tour of Mycotopia

9781603589796On this week’s show, Beth talks with author Doug Bierend about his new book, In Search of Mycotopia. He introduces us to an incredible, essential, and often denigrated kingdom of life: the fungi. A growing community of mushroom-mad citizen scientists and devotees are expanding the uses and availability of myriad fungi. From decontaminating landscapes and waterways to achieving food security and novel drugs, you’ll hear about it all.
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Shelley Schlender
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Burn- A New Look at Our Metabolism

On today’s show, Beth talks to Herman Pontzer about his new book, Burn, a deep dive into how the human body evolved, and how our species’ deep past shapes our health and physiology. His writing includes fascinating glimpses into both field projects in small-scale societies, including hunter-gatherers and subsistence farmers, in Africa and South America, as well as lab research on energetics and metabolism.(Note: due to the tragic mass murder in Boulder last week, last week’s show was delayed.)
Host:Beth Bennett
Producer:Beth Bennett
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Various Foods that are Perfect for the Keto Diet
Various Foods that are Perfect for the Keto Diet
On today’s show, Beth talks to Dr. Brianna Stubbs. Brianna is the lead translational scientist at the Buck Institute, the world’s first research institute for the study of aging. As translational scientist, she spearheads efforts to move basic science research into clinical and daily application. We hear about her research background in the applications of ketosis for health, performance and resilience, and how ketosis can be attained by ingesting a product being developed at the Buck.
Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Show Producer:Beth Bennett
Host: Beth Bennett
Listen to the show:


The Alchemy of Us- How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another

The Alchemy of Us, MIT PressThis week on How on Earth we speak with Ainissa Ramirez, materials scientist and author of The Alchemy of Us:  How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another.   In this book, she examines eight inventions and reveals how they shaped the human experience.      Listen to how our sleep and language were influenced by some of these inventions.  Learn the history about how photographic film was developed, and the surprising use of technological advances in some of our most iconic cameras.

ainissa ramirez copy

Hosts:   Jill Sjong and Beth Bennett

Executive Producer:  Beth Bennett

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Good Fat is Brown!

images-2This week on How on Earth, Beth talks with Dr Paul Cohen, a physician-scientist whose research focuses on obesity and metabolic disease. They spoke about his recent study highlighting the link between brown fat and positive health outcomes in cancer, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. Their converstiaon starts at about 5 minutes. You can read the research study here.
Producer: Beth Bennett
Host: Beth Bennett
Additional Contribution: Joel Parker
Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Listen to the show:


Honeybees: Biology & Conservation

detail of bee or honeybee in Latin Apis Mellifera, european or western honey bee sitting on the violet or blue flower
detail of bee or honeybee in Latin Apis Mellifera, european or western honey bee sitting on the violet or blue flower
This week, Beth talks to Prof. Mike Breed, of the University of Colorado, about his longtime research on honeybees. The interview starts at about 6 min. They explore some fascinating aspects of bee biology, and some of the problems facing these amazing creatures, as well as what you can do to attract and support them. Here are some tips from the CSU extension service for providing habitat and food sources.
Host: Beth Bennett
Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Listen to the show:


Tom Johnson – Aging & Healthspan & Dementia



We speak with CU-Boulder Geneticist Tom Johnson about his ground-breaking research into the genetics of aging and ways to improve lifespan and healthspan.  We feature excerpts from Ariel Lavery’s StoryCorps interview with her dad, Tom Johnson, and we speak with Johnson about his recent diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia.

Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Producer: Shelley Schlender


Science On Stage


Sometimes it seems that science and art are completely different worlds but that has not always been the case. There is a long history of artistic scientists and scientific artists.  In this edition of How on Earth, we talk about the alchemy of transmogrifying science into theatre.

Our guests include two scientists and two playwrights who collaborated to create plays inspired by scientific research as part of a theatre project produced by the Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company.  The production is called “Science Shorts“, which will be streaming the performances online Thursday through Sunday this week, January 21-24.  The production will feature readings of four short plays by Colorado playwrights, and four short talks by the local scientists who inspired their work.

Our science guests are geophysicist Dr. Neesha Schnepf and biologist Ashley Whipple, and our playwrights are Nigel Knutzen and Ellen K. Graham.  Neesha and Nigel collaborated on creating the play Trinal, which takes three different perspectives on tsunamis and their impact.   Ashley’s and Ellen’s play, On The Rocks, follows American pikas and what they have to teach us about resilience in the face of environmental and other stress.

Host & Producer: Joel Parker
Executive Producer: Beth Bennett

Listen to the show:


AKG & “Healthspan” — Gordon Lithgow

MOUSE(Whole Show) Longer “healthspan”  might be why the most popular Non-COVID story in Science Magazine last year involved the body-building supplement alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG), fed to middle-aged mice.  Buck Institute of Research on Aging Scientist Gordon Lithgow explains.


Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Producer: Shelley Schlender
Additional Music: Stop This Train – by John Mayer.

Listen to the show:


The Case for the Ketogenic Diet – A Talk with Gary Taubes

The Case for Keto
The Case for Keto

In today’s show, Beth talks with science writer and journalist Gary Taubes about his new, and more personal book (The Case for Keto) on his experience with the low-carb, high fat or ketogenic diet. He interviewed hundreds of people, physicians, scientists, and ordinary folks, about their experiences on this diet. The keto diet produces consistency weight loss because it circumvents the insulin system, activated by carbs, which promotes fat storage. And yet, this diet also produces good health metrics in terms of cholesterol and other outcome measures. The interview starts at about 9 minutes in.

Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Producer:Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Joel Parker

Listen to the show:
