Measles: To Vaccinate or Not?

On this week’s show, Beth talks with Brianne Barker, Associate Professor of Biology and Director of Undergraduate Research at Drew University. Dr Barker studies innate immune responses – these are the initial, non-specific actions taken by the immune system – to fight off retroviruses such as HIV (the AIDS virus). We discuss the measles virus, how it gets into cells, travels through the body to cause its many symptoms, which can be long-lasting and even lethal, and its frightening ability to wipe out, or erase, much of the accumulated memory of the immune system to previous infections. For an even deeper dive into this dangerous virus, you can hear Dr Barker and other virologists go into greater detail here.

Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Susan Moran
Engineer: Jackie Sedley

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Train Wolves AND Humans to Coexist

Source: patrice schoefolt / Pexels
On today’s show, Beth speaks with two experts on animal behavior and training about the wolf reintroduction project in Colorado – wins and losses. Mary Angilly is an advocate for force-free, evidence-based training in dogs and other animals. For decades Marc Bekoff has researched animal behavior, cognitive ethology (the study of animal minds), behavioral ecology, and compassionate conservation, and he has written extensively on human-animal interactions and animal protection.They have collaborated on essays involving problems faced by both wolves and humans in reintroduction projects. In this episode, they discuss some interesting and innovative solutions.

Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Susan Moran
Engineer: Jackie Sedley

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How a Soil Bacterium Can Affect Mental and Physical Health

On today’s show, Beth speaks with CU scientist Christopher Lowry. Dr. Lowry’s research program at CU Boulder focuses on understanding stress-related physiology and behavior with an emphasis on the microbiome-gut-brain axis. He describes his recent finding that exposure to a harmless soil bacterium protects mice from the weight gain and inflammation stemming from a diet much like the average American one, that is, high in fat and sugar. You can also hear about another CU Boulder group’s recent finding on the protective role that being in ‘greenspaces’ can provide.

Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Engineer: Jackie Sedley

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What’s Up with the Polio Vaccine?

Today on How on Earth, Beth speaks with Professor Vincent Racaniello of the Columbia University Medical Center. He has been studying viruses, particularly the polio virus, for over 40 years. Professor Racaniello is passionate about teaching virology to the World. His virology lectures can be found on YouTube. He blogs and produces the podcast ‘This Week in Virology’. We cover the history of the different polio vaccines and why the oral vaccine has contributed to the resurgence of the disease in underdeveloped populations in for example, Africa, and recently, Gaza. But it’s popping up here, in the developed nations also. You’ll also hear from How On Earther Tom Yulsman speaking with author and photographer Jon Waterman about his recent book on the effects of climate change in the Arctic.

Executive Producer: Beth Bennett
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Tom Yulsman
Engineer: Jackie Sedley

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Opiate Epidemic Update from 2024

In today’s show Beth reviews the latest data on the opiate epidemic in Boulder. You’ll hear from a pharmacologist who studies substance abuse, a DEA agent who oversees the task force on fentanyl, and our state senator who discusses legislation at the state level, as well as a story on a novel, implantable device to monitor for overdoses and autonomously inject the antidote – naloxone.

Executive Producers: Joel Parker and Shelley Schlender
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Benita Lee
Engineer: Jackie Sedley

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Move Your Body!

On today’s show Beth plays portions of a chat (full version here; actual talk starts at 1 minute in) she had with Katy Bowman who is a nationally-known biomechanist, author, and movement educator. They spoke at the Boulder Bookstore, where Katy discussed her new book, My Perfect Movement Plan. Bowman combines big-picture lessons on biomechanics, kinesiology, physiology, and natural human movement with simple and practical solutions and exercises to get all your body parts moving better. Her ‘Movement is Nutrition’ approach addresses the need of our bodies for a wide variety of daily movements in order to work well. Building off the idea that movement is more than exercise, Katy wants to us to create a movement diet that will provide both macro- and micronutrients that the body needs in order to stay well and work well.

Executive Producer: Shelley Schlender
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Joel Parker
Engineer: Jackie Sedley

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Move Your Body – Extended Version

If you listened to Beth’s chat with author Katy Bowman about her book (Your Perfect Movement Plan) – complete with some audience questions – and want to hear more, here is the full hour plus session. (Actual conversation starts about 2 minutes into the file.)

Listen now:


Where is Science Going in the Next 4 Years?

WASHINGTON, DC – APRIL 05: U.S. President Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, hold a press briefing with members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force on April 5, 2020 in Washington, DC. On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a recommendation that all Americans should wear masks or cloth face coverings in public settings. (Photo by Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images)
Today on How on Earth, Beth speaks with Dr Jon Samet, former dean of the Colorado School of Public Health and Professor of Epidemiology and Occupational and Environmental Health. Dr. Samet has served on and chaired numerous committees of the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, also chairing the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee of the U.S. EPA and the FDA’s Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee. He has an insider view on some of the implications of the newly elected administration for science.

Executive Producer: Shelley Schlender
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Shelley Schlender
Engineer: Jackie Sedler

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The Emotional Lives of Animals

In this week’s show Beth spoke with Marc Bekoff, well known and loved for his decades of research into animal behavior, emotion and cognition, about the new edition of his classic book, The Emotional Lives of Animals. Marc Bekoff is professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. For decades he has studied animal behavior, cognitive ethology (the study of animal minds), behavioral ecology, and written extensively on human-animal interactions and animal protection. He centers his work and writing around compassionate conservation, namely the principle of, “First do no harm” and the life of every individual matters because they are alive and have intrinsic value, not because of what they can do for us. We talked about the new edition of his classic book, The Emotional Lives of Animals, and many related topics. On his website you can find links to his many books, articles, and remarkable listing of honors and awards. If you frequent the dog parks in Boulder, you may see him watching and talking to the dogs.

Executive Producer: Susan Moran
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Susan Moran
Engineer: Jackie Sedley

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Invasive Weed Management in Boulder County

On this week’s show Beth speaks with Joe Swanson and Laura Backus to discuss some of the invasive weeds that are plaguing Boulder County. Joe is the County Weed Coordinator for Boulder County Parks & Open Space. Joe has worked for over 17 years in rangeland and natural areas management and has been on the forefront of Boulder County Parks & Open Space natural areas invasive weed management program. Laura is a local ecologist with several decades of experience and concern in the same area. The efforts they describe are helping to restore the ecology and ecosystem function in our incredibly diverse open space lands. Photos of invasive weeds are available on the county website as is a form for reporting them.
Executive Producer: Susan Moran
Show Producer: Beth Bennett
Additional Contributions: Shelley Schlender
Engineer: Jackie Sedler

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