Hoofbeats – Horses & Human History//Colorado Wolf Family ReCaptured

Colorado Parks & Wildlife Wolf Release

Wolf Family Recaptured  (Starts 1:40)    Colorado Parks & Wildlife did not reply to our request for an update on the fate of Colorado’s newly captured wild wolf family.  CU Boulder Professor Marc Bekoff did, offering suggestions for how to improve human-wolf interactions under the voter mandate to reintroduce wolves to Colorado.  Go here for a transcript and extended interview with Marc Bekoff.  Go here to see the “Kill Permit” Colorado Parks & Wildlife denied to the rancher who lives near the wolf family’s den.

HOOF  BEATS.  How Horses Shaped Human History. (Starts ) We speak with CU-Boulder Archeologist William Taylor about his new book, Hoofbeats, that chronicles the origin of horses and the human/horse bond. Taylor will give a talk about his new book, Thursday, September 19th at the Boulder Bookstore.

Special music courtesy of YouTube and The Hu, about Mongolia, the cradle of horse domestication, where a horse culture still exists and thrives.

Executive Producer: Susan Moran
Show Producer: Shelley Schlender
: Jackie Sedley


Colorado Wolves Recapture – Marc Bekoff Extended Interview

This is an extended interview with CU Boulder Wildlife Expert Marc Bekoff about challenges and possibilities with Colorado Wolf Reintroduction.  For the broadcast interview, GO Here.  And here is an AI-generated written transcipt.




SOLO: Building a Remarkable Life of Your Own – Peter McGraw

Peter McGraw

SOLO:  Building a Remarkable Life of Your Own.  CU Boulder Professor, Behavioral Economist and book author Peter McGraw uses statistical data and personal anecdotes to explain the growing worldwide trend for adults to live “Solo.”

(for Cat Ladies song, go here)

Show Producer and Host: Shelley Schlender
Executive Producer: Susan Moran





Wildfires & Smokey Skies

credit: Maeve Conran. The Flatirons in Boulder shrouded in wildfire smoke on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued an air quality alert due to particle pollution and ozone levels.

Wildfire smoke has marred the Front Range in recent weeks, due to Megafires that are likely to become more frequent.  And more smoke is likely.

Fire Weather: A True Story from a Hotter World (Starts 00:00) Beth Bennett speaks with author John Vaillant about the Canadian firestorm that forced 100,000 people to run for their lives . . . and why firestorms like this are becoming more common.  (For extended version, go here)

Smokey Skies (Starts 15:00) The Front Range is getting eye-stinging smoke from wildfires over 1,000 miles away . . . last week, from Canada, and this week, likely from California, according to the Colorado Smoke Blog.  University of Utah Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Derek Mallia speaks with Rocky Mountain Community Radio Director, Maeve Conran, about why wildfire smoke travels so far, and how people can protect themselves from its toxic effects.

Host/Producer: Shelley Schlender
Additional Contributions: Beth Bennett and Maeve Conran
Executive Producer: Susan Moran



Green Power for when the Power Goes Out

c Wiki Media from Olympus Digital Camera

Matt Johnson of Namaste Solar and Stu Cummings of Go Electric Colorado  share climate friendly ways to keep your home power going, even if power from your utility suddenly goes out.  It’s a discussion spurred by April’s massive power outages, when Xcel Energy Colorado abruptly shut off power to over 150,000 Denver Metro homes, citing concerns that downed power lines might spark a wildfire.

Hosts: Shelley Schlender, Esther Frost
Producer: Shelley Schlender
Executive Producer: Shelley Schlender



Gold Lab Symposium – 2024 – Health, Intelligence & Culture

Gold Lab Foundation 2024 Illustration

Gold Lab Symposium on Science and Health.  (starts 6:40) Boulder scientist and entrepreneur, Larry Gold, shares a sneak preview of this year’s Gold Lab Symposium at CU-Boulder Muenzinger Auditorium this Thursday and Friday.  This year’s symposium focuses on Pain, Culture and Intelligence.

The symposium includes discussion of the paper, Organ aging signatures in the plasma proteome track health and disease

CU-Wizards (starts 1:00) and the upcoming show with CU-Boulder Nobel Prize Winner Eric Cornell

Scott Falci – Denver Neurosurgeon (starts 2:45) and the quest to solve suicidal pain in people who have been paralyzed.  Falci will speak live at the Gold Lab Symposium.


Executive & Show Producer: Shelley Schlender
Additional Contributions: Joel Parker


Indigenous + Ingenuity = Indigenuity


Dr. Danile Wildcat c Indian Leader

Rising Voices Changing Coasts – Indigenuity Science leader Daniel Wildcat, talks about the Rising Voices/Changing Coasts symposium taking place this week Boulder.  The symposium connects Indigenous Leaders with climate scientists to solve pressing climate and environmental challenges..

Science Moab – Our “sister science program” features two Native American students, who tap the wisdom of Western scientists and Native American elders as they explore desert biocrusts and how to clean up uranium mines.  Go here for the full interview.

Executive & Show Producer: Shelley Schlender
Additional Contributions: Esther Frost, Benita Lee, Science Moab


The Curious World of Seahorses

Seahorses (starts 4:10) Science Writer Till Hein explains his new book, The Curious World of Seahorses:  The Life and Lore of a Marine Marvel.

Also in this episode, we share this week’s DomeFest West at CU-Boulder’s Fiske Planetarium (starts 2:00).  And we share congratulations to three new CU-Boulder members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (starts 1:00)

Executive Producer & Show Producer: Shelley Schlender
Additional Contributions: Esther Franke, Joel Parker


Colorado – The Quantum State

Corban Tillemann Dick c Mabell Quantum
Corban Tillemann Dick c Maybell Quantum

Colorado – The Quantum StateWe speak with Corban Tillemann-Dick about how Colorado has emerged as a world leader in Quantum Technologies.  Tillemann-Dick will speak at CU-Boulder’s Conference on World Affairs, Thursday, 10:30, at the UMC Central Ballroom.  Tillemann-Dick heads up Elevate Quantum, a consortium of over 85 quantum-focused organizations in Colorado and the Mountain West.   He’s also the founder and a CEO of the Denver company, Maybell Quantum.  It’s named after the tiny town of Maybell, Colorado, which  holds the record for the coldest temperature ever recorded in Colorado – Minus 61 Degrees Fahrenheit.  Maybell Quantum honors the little town’s record-breaking cold with a refrigerator the company calls “The Icebox”    Quantum computers can only operate at the incredibly cold temperature of -441 F.   Maybell Quantum’s  Icebox” is designed to help quantum processors stay that supercold – which is one of the many keys to unlocking the quantum breakthroughs up ahead.

Show Producer, Executive Producer and Host: Shelley Schlender
Additional Contributions: Pam Johnson



SOLO: Building a Remarkable Life of Your Own

Peter McGraw cc Glenn J. Asakawa
Copyright: University of Colorado

In this Spring Pledge Drive show, we talk with CU-Boulder professor and behavioral economist Peter McGraw about his new book, Solo:  Building a Remarkable Life of your own.  The book is also available through KGNU for listeners who give a donation to support this non-commercial, community radio station.

Executive Producer: Joel Parker
Show Producer/Engineer: Shelley Schlender
Hosts: Shelley  Schlender/Susan Moran
