Ibogaine // Ice Cores // Neurospsychologist June Gruber & Awe Walks

Eboga Plant – Source of Ibogaine

Ibogaine (starts 1:00) The New York Times just featured Ibogaine for PTSD.  We revisit a discussion of Ibogaine with Boulder Trauma Therapist Andrew Linares.



Stored Ice Cores

Ice Cores (starts 10:00) The National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility in Lakewood houses thousands of ice cores collected from around the world.  Ellen Mahoney takes us there for a first person look.


CU Boulder Neuroscientist June Gruber teaches “Science of Happiness”

CU-Boulder Neuroscientist June Gruber (starts 16:15) June Gruber leads one of CU-Boulder’s most popular classes about the science of happiness.  Now Gruber discusses ways to care for health during the darker days of winter, including an ongoing study of “Awe-Walks.”



Executive Producer/Show Producer: Shelley Schlender
Host: Benita Lee
Additional Contributions: Ellen Mahoney
Engineer: Jackie Sedley

Listen to the show:


Hacking Happiness

Hacking HappinessYou drive to Starbucks with your cell phone in your pocket, go online, read your favorite newspaper, share an interesting book review on Facebook and then go and order the bestseller from Amazon. It’s only 9:00am, but you’ve already left a data trail—a big one—on your whereabouts, your taste, your friends, and your financial habits.

In his new book, Hacking Happiness: Why Your Personal Data Counts and How Tracking It Can Change the World, John C. Havens talks about how megacorporations hoard these details and use them for their own monetary gain. But, Havens argues it doesn’t have to be like that. Using emerging technologies, we can reclaim control over our information and use it, not to boost company sales, but to improve our own happiness.

Hosts: Ted Burnham and Jane Palmer
Producers: Jane Palmer and Beth Bartel
Engineer: Ted Burnham
Executive Producer: Joel Parker

Listen to the show:
